Ar. Manish Sharma
HelIo I am Architect Manish Sharma
An Architect, artist, and entertainer. He has completed his bachelor's degree in architecture from Jaipur and done M Arch (Cert) from the DIA, Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany, RA from IIT Bombay and MBA in CPM from JNU.
Manish’s keen interest in Sustainable, green and solar passive architecture led him to do intensive research in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as the research technical assistant in the department of energy science & engineering during this tenure he has worked as the Project Architect and Building Design head for Team Shnuya IIT Bombay for the Solar Decathlon china 2018.
He has worked with famous Architects like Jaisim Krishna Rao, Madhav Raman & Sanjay Puri. Having traveled extensively across the globe, imbibing art and architecture from all over the world to absorbing sensibilities and experiences from different cultures. Manish has developed a distinctive creative style of his own. In the year 2017, he started OPAME a multidisciplinary design and construction practice bringing their expertise, creative inclinations, and artistic vision to the table, In the very early period Opame has won numerous National and International Awards and Publications.